In making custom apparel, great results start with great artwork and well thought out designs. Specific requirements for each type of production service we offer can be found
here. It is solely your responsibility to review, understand, and provide artwork that adheres to our production guidelines and to select the best service and garment for your artwork to achieve the level of quality your brand requires.
While our artists and customer service team may review your artwork files and designs and propose changes or confirm details, in no way does their recommendations, proposals, or change guarantee a specific result or level of quality. A recommendation to improve a challenging design request, does not guarantee a quality production result.
If you submit artwork that does not meet requirements, we may cancel and refund orders, recommend a different service, place them on hold, propose changes for approval, or proceed with production at our sole discretion.
We know it's crazy that we even have to say this, but here we go:
It is your responsibility to provide accurate and correct artwork for your order that follows the artwork requirements listed on our website. Sounds pretty reasonable right? After all, if the artwork you are providing isn't accurate or doesn't meet production guidelines, how could we produce quality items for your brand?
For example, if you have a digital print that you want printed in teal, the artwork file you submit must be a teal print. It is not enough to just name your design "teal print" or leave a note that says "teal." There are infinite shades of teal, so it is important that your file provides the proper teal you want. If you need help converting your file to be teal, in some cases we maybe able to help you, in other cases you may need to find a graphic designer to convert your artwork to meet your specifications.
In instances where the Apliiq website prompts you to select a color for your artwork (
screen printing &
embroidery), your artwork should clearly represent the colors you are selecting.
For example if you are submitting a rose to be embroidered and you'd like to use red and green thread, your artwork file should accurately depict which part of the rose is red and which part of the rose is green. And you can select the corresponding colors in the thread color selection area.
If your artwork file and color selections aren't clear, it is impossible for us to know what you want. Our artist may to reach out to you to gain clarity or we may use our best judgement given the information you have provided.
Apliiq will not remake, refund, or provide credit in scenarios that you provided artwork that is not representative of the work you want completed. We are not responsible for you providing unclear, inaccurate, incomplete, or contradictory artwork and instructions. We strongly urge you to work with a qualified graphic designer to create high quality artwork that is representative of what you want created.