Getting Started Guide - Campaigns

Getting Started Guide - Campaigns

Apliiq plans to discontinue support of its Campaigns feature in 2023.  In December of 2022, will be updated so that no new campaigns can be started.  All active campaigns will still be supported.  When all campaigns are concluded, campaign selling tools will be removed from all partner accounts.

Campaigns are an excellent tool to get started selling custom apparel. Here’s why; campaigns are completely risk-free. You don’t have to spend any money to get started. Campaigns are insanely simple. Sell a single product to your friends, families, or followers. You can make strong profits. Pick your own sale price & the more you can sell the more money you will make. It is important to note that in order to use campaigns successfully, it is important to have a well thought out plan to market your campaign and bring interested customers to your campaign page.

Follow these simple steps to get started;

1. Design an amazing product by selecting a product and adding your artwork to it. You can use the following services to create your product;
Digital Print
Screen Print
Hood Lining
Pocket Lining
Hat Patch or Beanie Patch

2. Order a sample or samples (Optional). Ordering a sample does cost money and is completely optional. A sample allows you to see, touch, and feel your product. Even more importantly, it allows you to photograph your product which you can use to promote your campaign. In some cases, people choose to order a few samples so many people can cross promote a single campaign.

3. From the designer or from your saved designs page, select the “start a campaign” option. Your product will load into the create a campaign page.

4. Fill out the campaign page and click publish. Check out the how to setup my campaign page for more details and complete instructions on setting up your campaign

5. Wait for your campaign to be approved, this can take up to 48 hours. Once it is approved, go to your campaign page and click “launch” to start your campaign.

6. Once your campaign is launched, start marketing your campaign. A solid marketing plan for a campaign includes outreach to your friends, family, and supporters in the channels you usually use to contact people. This means sending a text to close friends. Speaking about your campaign to your family members, or calling family members in a different town. It includes posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media channels you typically use to connect with your audience. Remember sending a single message, usually isn’t enough, you may need to remind folks about your campaign more than a few times, so don’t be shy.

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