How to setup Apliiq Warehouse

How To Setup Apliiq Warehouse - Getting Started Guide

Getting setup with Apliiq Warehouse is a quick and easy process.  Apliiq’s team of experts is also here to support you along the way to ensure you have things setup properly for the way that you want to use Warehousing.

The best news is that all of the technical heavy lifting has been done for you, and utilizing the Apliiq Shopify App, you can basically point and click your way to getting your Apliiq Warehouse setup.  

The first step of getting started is to book a quick call with our Customer Service team.  

In order to use Apliiq warehouse, you will need to link your store to your Apliiq account using the Apliiq Shopify app.  

Meet With Us

To activate warehousing with your Apliiq account, simply setup a quick 15 minute meeting with our team.  Apliiq has a personal approach to doing business and we like to meet with partners prior to activating this service.  You can book a meeting with our friendly team using this link.  Apliiq’s team of experts will discuss how warehousing works and ensure it’s a good fit for your brand.

Update Shopify App

In some cases, you may need to update your Apliiq Shopify app in order to begin using Apliiq warehouse.  If you need to update your app, you will be prompted to automatically.  Apliiq warehousing requires permissions in addition to basic print on demand features within your store.

Setup Your Products In Warehouse

You will also need to import your merchandise products into your Apliiq Warehouse.  It’s easy to grab an existing saved design or import any product from your Shopify store.

Setting up products in your Apliiq Warehouse only takes minutes.  There are two easy ways to create products; they can be imported from your saved designs page or they can be imported directly from your Shopify store.  Simply click the “new merchandise” button on your warehouse page to get started.

  1. Go to you warehouse page.
  2. Click new merchandise
    new merchandise option on warehouse page
  3. Select importing a product from your store or from your saved designs page.Find product option to add to your warehouse
  4. Select the products you want to add to warehouse and click add merchandise.product list to add to your warehouse

Create Warehouse Shipping Profile

Once your products are setup and loaded into Apliiq Warehouse, next you will need to activate a shipping profile within your Shopify store.  Don’t worry, the Apliiq app will help you by automatically setting up all of your zones and rates, and by adding your warehouse products to the correct shipping profile.

Simply go to your setting page and select the shipping tab, then select which factory you will be using.  The Apliiq Print on Demand app will create a shipping profile for each

Send in your products

If you are working with a different manufacturer, once your products are complete, you have them sent into the Apliiq warehouse of your choice.  Before you send any merchandise, pack in, or packaging to Apliiq, it’s important that you let us know to expect your shipment by creating the shipment within your Apliiq account.  Please make sure you understand all the requirements for products before you send them into Apliiq.

Sync Product Inventory

Once the Apliiq team has received your shipment, all of your goods will be checked into the Apliiq warehouse and your merchandise dashboard will be updated to reflect your current inventory levels.  These inventory levels can be sync'd with your Shopify store, to prevent customers from buying items that you don't currently have stock in.

Start Selling

Now that everything is setup, we recommend placing a simple test order to ensure everything is setup and properly configured.  Once you are certain everything is working exactly like you want it to, it's time to start selling with the peace of mind that the Apliiq Warehouse team has your back!

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